Coronavirus Cancellations.

The Coronavirus pandemic has altered lives and schedules around the world and we're certainly no exception. All school assembies have been postponed and hopefully can be rescheduled next fall. Most post-proms have cancelled their dates with the hope to reschedule some sort of prom or celebration for Seniors in the summer.
Normally, if a post prom were to cancel, we would keep the deposit. However, since this is a very unusual circumstance, we have amended our policy. If a school needs to cancel their date, the deposit can either be refunded or applied to a show at a later date.
This pandemic has also brought our attention to another area: cleanliness. We are initiating a new policy where all props and other items touched by children will be sanitized between shows. We think this will be of great benefit during the annual cold and flu season, but it also a good practice all year long.
We hope you and your family are well and urge you to follow the CDC recommendations of hand-washing, self-distancing and avoiding going out unless necessary.