Still Out There!
Normally by the end of October, we'll have done a dozen or more school shows throughout the Midwest. This year...we've done one. We were...

Coronavirus Cancellations.
The Coronavirus pandemic has altered lives and schedules around the world and we're certainly no exception. All school assembies have...

Catholic Schools Week
It's time once again for National Catholic Schools Week and we're happy to say that our calendar is full for the last week of January! We...

Post Prom Hypnosis Shows and Safety
A comedy hypnosis show may seem like fun and games, but for the hypnotist, there's a lot of mental gymnastics going on every minute of...

Northeast Kansas!
If you're a Northeast Kansas elementary school,we have good news for you! Our assemblies are going to be in your area in October! This is...

New Year, New Assembly!
We're very excited to announce that we're introducing a new school assembly that we're sure you're going to like! After ten years, we're...

Happy 4th of July!
We'd like to take just a moment to wish you, your staff and your students a happy, fun and SAFE Independence Day! We look forward to...

Have a Great Summer!
Today marked our final assembly for the regular 2017-2018 school year! We wrapped things up with an Abra-Nebraska assembly at Bryan...

There's a New Teacher Out There!
As of this weekend, I am the proud father of a college graduate! My daughter, Amberly graduated from the University of Wisconsin-Superior...

The 2018-19 School Year
With just weeks left in the school year, many schools are starting to look ahead to the start of the next school year. We've already...