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Magic Classes at Your School

Magic is one of the oldest performing arts known to man. It is also one of the most popular. It's said that there are more books written about the art of magic than all of the other performing arts put together. The art of magic requires motor skills, creative thinking, problem solving, public speaking and host of other traits that are beneficial to your students.

Plus, it's fun.

Learning magic can be a wonderful boost for a child's self-esteem. Many famous magicians today were once shy children who kept to themselves. I highly recommend a book or two on simple magic tricks in your school library. But if you want to go one step further, we also offer magic classes.

Today we were at Ezra Elementary School in Omaha teaching magic to about 20 students as part of "Ezra University", a program designed to expose students to other areas of learning. The students left the hour-long class knowing how to do a half-dozen tricks with everyday items like coins, rubber bands and cards. They also learned a little bit about optical illusions. It was both fun AND educational.

Does this sound like something your school would be interested in? The class is most effective for groups of 25 or less, but it is possible to teach a magic class to an entire school during an assembly.

Send us an e-mail or give us a call for more information.

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