Magic Classes at Your School
Magic is one of the oldest performing arts known to man. It is also one of the most popular. It's said that there are more books written...
Celebrating the End of the School Year!
You know as well as I do that the closer you get to the end of the school year, the more antsy your students become. You really can't...
Some Educational Ideas.
We'd like to give you a few ideas to help maximize the educational value of having one of our assemblies visit your school. Most of our...
The Best Iowa School Assembly EVER!
We know that's a pretty bold statement, but we have a school assembly that Hawkeye schools will love! Iowa-Cadabra is a 40-minute...
Read Across America!
Read Across America Day is less than two months away! Are you planning something special for that day...or maybe even the entire week?...
National Catholic Schools Week Assemblies
National Catholic Schools Week will be here before you know it and we've already gotten our first booking of the season. We'll be at St....
Happy New Year!
Happy New Year to you! If one of your resolutions is to provide your students with fun, educational learning experiences, we certainly...
It's a Snow Day!
Every now and then, Mother Nature throws us a curve ball. Due to nasty weather, we had to reschedule our assembly in Shelton, Nebraska....
Beyond Speech Therapy
Last month, Jeff Quinn gave a talk for the group Creative Mornings. Creative Mornings is a world-wide organization of professionals in...
Giving Back
We believe in giving back to the school community, so yesterday we did a free show for the 500 students at Wolf Creek Elementary on the...